#bridget o'malley
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samantha-and-nellie · 6 months ago
i think it just comes with no longer being a child myself, but i’m finding myself just as intensely interested in the adults around samantha as i am with samantha itself. aunt cornelia is a big one, of course, but during this rewatch of the movie, grandmary really stood out to me.
and, well, let’s just say that when we meet her, grandmary is holding on by a fucking thread. full thoughts under the cut.
i’ll probably make another post about this more specifically, but the movie costumes seem to imply to me that she’s still in mourning at the beginning of the film. i absolutely see much of sam’s stories through the role grief plays in them so this did clue me into paying more attention to grandmary, but honestly whether she’s meant to be formally mourning or not, it’s so clear that she is desperate for normalcy. she keeps grasping for tradition and routine to keep her from slipping too deeply into her grief. i’m sure she struggles with samantha’s presence as a reminder of the daughter she lost, but she also seems to struggle with her because samantha pushes at the boundaries of what is expected and proper. you see that in their first interaction in the movie—grandmary needs her routine and rules so acutely that she can’t even take a moment to listen to samantha talk about meeting nellie until it is Proper Social Hour, tea time.
the thing that really made it apparent to me that grandmary is using her routines to stay afloat is her reaction to gard and cornelia’s engagement. obviously, this is a children’s movie, and as an audience we’re meant to be paying attention to sam’s reaction in the scene, which itself is intense and telling about samantha’s need for stability and her own grief.
but so is grandmary’s. when we cut to her for a moment after gard says he and cornelia are going to get married, she simply doesn’t look like she’s mentally there. by the time it’s her turn to talk, she appears to be holding back tears. so many things are changing so suddenly: there will no longer be the assurance of gard’s visits or of his absolute devotion to her and samantha. i’m also willing to bet that she can’t help thinking about the fact that the last time one of her children got married, they died relatively soon afterwards.
and then there’s cornelia herself. we know that grandmary will come around to her views, but right now, she poses a threat to grandmary’s understanding of her place in the world. and that’s too much for grandmary. everything is changing and, if she thinks too much about it, she doesn’t know how she is going to manage.
so, in this intense moment where she is about to be drawn in by her grief, she falls back on her (seemingly only) coping skill: social expectations. she’s upset, but she’s a lady, and a lady is always polite. she congratulates gard and cornelia, and then she turns to samantha. samantha, who is so clearly feeling upset in the same ways that she is, but grandmary cannot acknowledge samantha’s feelings or else she’d have to face her own.
so she nods at samantha, a gentle encouragement of what she must say, and samantha says it. i honestly don’t know what grandmary would’ve done if samantha had acted out, but that doesn’t happen. samantha falls into line and says the right thing, and grandmary can go back to pretending that everything is under control.
except, it isn’t. things have changed, and there simply no going back to the way it was. somewhere between this moment and samantha leaving for nyc, something clearly starts to shift for grandmary. whether it’s cornelia, whether it’s seeing the boathouse, whether it’s simply having to realize that she cannot keep things the same forever, grandmary is forced to face herself and the way she is letting grief rule her life. as an audience, we do not get to see this transformation, but the grandmary we meet at the end of the movie is a very different person than who we met at the beginning. for one thing, she’s actually wearing colors, but she’s also finally accepted that proposal. in this, we see her starting to discard some of the rules she was clinging to at the beginning of the movie. as one example, i’m fairly convinced that the grandmary we met at the start of the movie never would’ve stood up for samantha to her teacher about her speech in such a manner, but she does. things are changing, and grandmary is learning that she is still going to have a life where she is cared for and seen even if she has to change from the person she once believed herself to be.
and i think we really see this transformation when it comes to nellie and her sisters. before, it was never like she was cruel towards them, but the boathouse scene where she tries to stand up for nellie is still so loaded with classism. nellie may be important to her granddaughter, but nellie is irish, nellie is a servant, and therefore she still needs to know her place.
and there’s simply none of that sentiment by the time christmas rolls around. someone else has commented on how good the o’malley girls are for grandmary, and you can truly see it here. she is getting to be a grandmother again, and she is in her element. grandmary is finally letting herself exist a little outside of the rules she has always been constrained by, and it is so delightful to see her truly start to live.
like i said at the start of this post, grief is so important to me in understanding these stories. grandmary gets her love from the fandom, but i feel like it’s not acknowledged enough how much she’s going through and how wonderful it is to see her work through her grief and come out the other side. i’m so glad that the movie picks up on this character arc, and that mia farrow really brings her all to the role.
and then american girl had the audacity to put her through the events of the titanic book but we simply do not have time to get angry about that again
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intertexts-moving · 2 years ago
hmmm. thinking i need to re enter my harp era tbh.
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diceriadelluntore · 4 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #342 - The Corrs, Home, 2005
Le Storie musicali di band di fratelli e sorelle ci portano in Irlanda, per una band che tra fine anni '90 e inizi 2000 fu molto popolare. The Corrs, come suggerisce il nome, sono una band di tre sorelle e un fratello, i Corr appunto. La loro storia è molto particolare e si lega a quella di un film del 1991, divenuto di culto, ambientato a Dublino, da dove provengono i nostri. The Commitments, diretto da Alan Parker, racconta la storia di Jimmy Rabbitte e del suo tentativo di mettere su una band di soul e rhythm'n'blues a Dublino, The Commitments, appunto. Il film, che è anche uno spaccato dell'isola prima della travolgente trasformazione avvenuta negli ultimi decenni, fu trampolino di lancio di una serie di attori\cantanti che dopo il film si lanciarono in carriere musicali. E tra loro c'erano i fratelli Corr. Jim Corr suonava in una band con John Hughes, che curava per Parker le selezioni dei musicisti. Hughes non sapeva che Jim avesse tre sorelle musiciste, Caroline, Sharon e Andrea, con cui si presenta i provini. Andrea ottiene una parte di recitazione con battute (è Sharon, la sorella minore di Jimmy), gli altri tre fanno da comparse, ma Hughes dopo le riprese chiede di poter diventare il loro manager. Diventano una band, dove suonano diversi strumenti, anche quelli tradizionali irlandesi. Il primo grande trampolino di lancio è l'esibizione, nel 1994, per i Mondiali di Calcio di USA 94, seguita due anni dopo per la cerimonia d'Apertuna dei Giochi Olimpici di Atlanta '96. Vanno in tour a supporto di Celine Dion, mentre il loro primo disco, Forgiven, Not Forgotten, che comprende sia brani strumentali di musica tradizionali che canzoni pop rock, svetta nelle classifiche di mezzo mondo, diventando uno dei dischi d'esordio di artisti irlandesi più di successo di ogni tempo. Nel 1997 successo per Talk On Corners, partecipano al Pavarotti And Friends a Modena e ricevono nel 1999 un Brit Award come Miglior Band Internazionale, registrando persino un MTV Unplugged, che vende milioni di copie. Il successivo disco, In Blue, prodotto da Robert John "Mutt" Lange, li consacra star internazionali: il singolo Breathless va in classifica in mezzo mondo, come Radio, l'album è il terzo disco con le maggiori vendita della Storia delle Classifiche musicali d'Irlanda dopo il The Best Of 1980-1990 degli U2 e Be Nere Now degli Oasis. Sono nominati ai Grammy Awards. Registrano un altro disco dal vivo, VH1 Presents: The Coors Live In Dublin, con ospiti Bono che duetta con loro in When The Stars Go Blue di Bryan Adams (un gioiellino) e Summer Wine di Nancy Sinatra e Ronnie Wood dei Rolling Stones che suona la chitarra in Little Wing, cover del classico di Jimi Hendrix e in Ruby Tuesday. Succede però una fatto doloroso: Jean, la madre dei fratelli Corr, muore in attesa di un trapianto di fegato all'ospedale di Newcastle, in Gran Bretagna.
E proprio alla madre, e alla loro terra, è dedicato questo disco, Home, che esce nel 2005. L'album precedente, Borrowed Heaven, già aveva riaperto la strada del folk nella loro musica, che nei dischi di successo internazionale si era un po' persa, ma in questo disco si ritorna alle origini. In scaletta 12 pezzi, divisi tra strumentali tradizionali di musica celtica irlandese, come Haste To The Wedding, che è il brano principe del ballo Céilí, uno scritto da Sharon Corr, Old Hag e due cantati in lingua gaelica dalla bellissima voce di Andrea, Buachaill ón Éirne (che vuol dire Ragazzo di Erne) e Bríd Óg Ní Mháille, Bridget O'Malley, che probabilmente è una riedizione ottocentesca di un antico canto dedicato a santa Brigida d'Irlanda. Ancora più emozionate è la parte di canti tradizionali cantati in inglese: My Lagan Love è uno dei primi traditional scoperti da Joseph Campbell, che agli inizi del 1900 intraprese un percorso di ricerca e traduzione dei canti tradizionali, musicati e riportati sugli spartiti da Herbert Hughes; la meravigliosa Spancil Hill è invece un traditional, probabilmente scozzese, che venne riadattato dai migranti irlandesi in America, dove divenne molto famosa nella zona dei Monti Appalachi: lo spancil era un modo di legare le zampe dei capi di bestiame per non farli scappare durante le fiere. Dolcissime sono Peggy Gordon e la bellissima Black Is the Color, conosciuta anche come Black Is the Color Of My True Love's Hair, brani che raccontano il carattere forte e deciso delle donne di quei posti. The Moorlough Shore è una delle più famose ballate irlandesi: è la storia di un giovane, innamorato della sua terra e di una ragazza, che però rifiuta le sue avances perché ama già un marinaio. Aspetterà il suo vero amore per sette anni. Frustrato, il ragazzo lascia la casa della sua infanzia e salpa, continuando a elogiare la ragazza che ama e che vive a Moorlough Shore. Sulla sua melodia, durante gli anni della Rivoluzione dell'Indipendenza irlandese (negli anni Dieci del 1900) i rivoluzionari cantarono The Foggy Dew, il principe dei brani di libertà irlandese. Completano la scaletta tre cover di brani moderni: Heart Like A Wheel, successo di Kate & Anna McGarrigle, poi ripreso da tanti artisti (la versione più famosa di Linda Ronstand), Old Town del leader dei Thin Lizzy Phil Lynott e un brano, Dimming Of The Day, scritto da Richard e Linda Thompson per un loro disco del 1975, Pour Down Like Silver. La musica è arrangiata con delicatezza, agli strumenti moderni sono affiancati i tin whistle, il Bodhrán (che è il tamburello irlandese) e una sezioni archi, che è sempre stato un marchio di fabbrica della musica Corrs. Spicca la voce, brillante e squillante di Andrea Corr, emozionante in più di un passaggio. Il disco, che non è di successo come i precedenti, ha comunque successo in patria, In Australia e sorprendentemente in Francia, dove vende 100 mila copie.
Andrea Corr, che ha recitato anche in altri film, tra cui Evita con Madonna e da protagonista una semisconosciuta commedia canadese, The Boys From County Clare, tenterà, con scarso successo, anche la carriera solista, con Ten Feet High. I Corrs continuano a suonare e a pubblicare materiale (l'ultimo disco del 2017) ma non hanno più raggiunto il successo dei dischi pop, nè la delicatezza, e la bellezza, del disco di oggi, un bellissimo esempio di variazioni "moderne" ai classici tradizionali della cultura delle isole britanniche, un grande tesoro culturale.
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katiescinema · 1 year ago
101 Dalmatians:
101 Dalmatians was released on January 25, 1961. Hamilton Luske, Clyde Geronimi, and Wolfgang Reitherman directed the movie and it was written by Bill Peet. The movie stars Rod Taylor, J. Pat O'Malley, Betty Lou Gerson and Martha Wentworth. 101 Dalmatians grossed $303 million in box office sales.
The 101 Dalmatians is about two dalmatian owners who fall in love and their dogs also fall in love. The dogs end up having 101 puppies. The antagonist of the story is Cruella de Vil and she kidnaps the puppies. The movie shows you have the puppies escape and what happens.
I first saw 101 Dalmatians when I was a kid because my cousins put it on for me. I loved 101 Dalmatians because it was a movie about dogs. As a kid I loved dogs and they were my favorite animal. I was scared of Cruella de Vil and I almost didn't like the movie because of her. I still like the movie to this day.
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Ramona and Beezus:
Ramona and Beezus was released on July 23, 2010. It was directed by Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum. It was written by Laurie Craig, Nick Pustay, and Beverly Cleary. The movie stars Joey King, Selena Gomez, and Bridget Moynahan. In the box office this moves grossed $27.3 million in sales.
Ramona and Beezus is a movie about two sisters who never really get along but they must work together to try and save their childhood home.
I first saw Ramona and Beezus one day when I was scrolling through my TV looking for a random movie. I liked this movie because it was about two sisters and it reminded me of myself and my sister. I related to Beezus because she was the older sister just like me. I haven't watched this movie since I was younger but I would watch it again.
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The Titanic:
The Titanic was released in the US on December 19, 1997. It was written and directed by James Cameron. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, and Kathy Bates. The Titanic generated $2.257 billion in box office sales.
The Titanic is about a luxurious ships that crashes into an iceberg. The main characters Jack and Rose meet on the ship and fall in love. The movie shows you how all the people on the ship are try to survive.
I first watched the Titanic when I was with my friends when we were younger. I liked the movie because it was based on a true story. I was upset when Jack died and I haven't been able to watch the movie since.
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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
The Conjuring was released on June 4, 2021. It was Written by David Leslie Johnson- McGoldrick, James Wan, amd Chad Hayes. It was directed by Michael Chaves. It stars Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Ruairi O'Connor, and Sarah Catherine Hook. The Conjuring generated $206.4 million in box office sales.
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is about a man accused of murder. He seeks the help of Ed and Lorraine Warren who are paranormal investigators. The suspect claims he was under demonic possession and did not commit the murder in a normal state.
I watched the Conjuring for the first time about two weeks ago with my roommates. I liked the thrill of the horror and suspense. I felt bad for the character Debbie and sympathized for her. I would watch the movie again and I really liked it.
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I asked my cousin Taylor what he thought my favorite movies were at these time periods in my life. From ages 8-9 he said my favorite movie was the 101 Dalmatians. I don't think the 101 Dalmatians is a super important movie but I think it is fun for kids to watch. This was correct and it's what I listed as my favorite movie. He said he remembers me watching it all the time and that I would always say how much I loved it. From 10-13 he said Jaws. Taylor said he though I liked Jaws because I was interested in marine life and ocean animals. I listed my movie as Ramona and Beezus. Ramona and Beezus was important to me because it was about a sister bond and my sister is a very special person to me. Ramona and Beezus and Jaws are very different movies. For 14-17 he said Hereditary. The movie I listed was the Titanic. I did not watch horror movies during these ages because I was scared of them and I just recently started liking them. From ages 19 up he said the Conjuring but he didn't specify which one. I do like all of the Conjuring movies but I specified the 3rd movie "The Devil Made Me Do It". I think the Conjuring 3 was important because it was educational about demonic possession.
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celtfather · 2 years ago
First Pint with Bridget O'Malley #605
My first pint in Ireland this year is to Bridge O’Malley. The second is to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #605.
Old Blind Dogs, Bua, Norah Rendell, Conor Caldwell, Matt & Shannon Heaton, Enda Reilly, Tommy Fakem, Dervish, Low Lily, Iron Roux, Hot Griselda, Fast & Vengefully, Nick Metcalf, Heavy Blarney, Dàimh
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2023 episode.  Vote Now!
Two weeks after the episode is launched, I compile your votes to update a playlist on Spotify and YouTube. These are the results of your voting. You can help these artists out by following the playlists and adding tracks you love to your playlists. Follow us on Facebook to find out who is added each week.
Listen on Spotify and YouTube.
0:02 - Intro: Carol Baril
0:10 - Old Blind Dogs "Desperate Fishwives" from Wherever Yet May Be
6:24 - WELCOME
7:55 - Bua "Eddie Moloney's / Micho Ressell's (Mason's Apron)" from Down the Green Fields
11:04 - Norah Rendell "Pretty Susan" from Spinning Yarns
14:48 - Conor Caldwell "An Art Revealed" from To Belfast...
17:17 - Matt & Shannon Heaton "The Blackbird" from Blue Skies Above
21:25 - FEEDBACK
23:50 - Enda Reilly "Gráinne Mhaol" from Single
27:30 - Tommy Fakem "First Pint" from Johnny Irish
31:10 - Dervish "Out On the Road" from Midsummer's Night
35:13 - Low Lily "Captivate Me" from Angels in the Wreckage
38:45 - STORY: Mark Clavey’s Whiskey Story and Tour
Find more about the Whiskey Lovers Tour on Mark Clavey’s website.
45:24 - Iron Roux "Wiru" from Iron Roux
50:19 - THANKS
52:19 - Hot Griselda "Roll On  -  Roll Off" from Sunbox
55:26 - Fast & Vengefully "The Price You Pay" from Rozzie Me Bow
1:00:25 - Nick Metcalf "Reel Rock" from Skyline of Skye
1:03:42 - Heavy Blarney "Heavy Carlow" from From Bog To Swamp
1:07:54 - CLOSING
1:09:09 - Dàimh "Dunrobin" from The Hebridean Sessions
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to subscribe to the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode. You’ll get access to our Best of this Year Playlist.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. You can subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
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* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a musician and podcaster out of Atlanta, Georgia. This Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you.
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Brett Mitchell replied to the Celtic Music Magazine: "Hi Mark, I make high end jewelry for a family owned store in the Grosse Pointe Farms area of Michigan. Truely enjoy your show and all the work you do on it.
Bonus answer: I'll likely head out to one of our local pubs for St Patrick's day and enjoy a Guinness or two. Slainte'"
Alexander Randall 5th replied: "What are you doing while listening? Sitting at my computer  -  working.
How are you celebrating Celtic culture through music this holiday season?
I decked out the Bear at the end of my driveway for the Saint
Jeff Laszlo replied: "Listening to The Bridge and making cookies and Irish soda bread before starting on corned beef. Slainte!"
Don W. Slee posted on Facebook: "When the internet is out and you can't work. Gotta make do. Slainte!!!"
  Check out this episode!
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coppertalons · 2 years ago
Watch "Brid Og Ni Mhaille/Bridgit O'Malley" on YouTube
Celebrating the first St Bridget's Day Bank Holiday for Imbolc, 1st February.
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shakespearefreak · 2 years ago
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Grim Ghostly Bride ft. Samantha
Happy Halloween month from Ghost Bride Samantha and me! 🎃 I bought a doll wedding dress from Etsy, took a seam ripper and some green and black fabric dye to it, and finally sewed some "creepy cloth" to the waist. The original dress was so beautiful on its own, I felt kinda bad ruining it, but the final effect is undeniably cool. I have this fun little headcanon that Sam got this costume in-universe when she found an old wedding dress in Grandmary's attic shortly after she heard the scary story "The Mistletoe Bough," which is about a bride who meets a gruesome fate after a game of hide-and-seek with her new husband goes terribly wrong. She got inspired, and (after getting permission from Grandmary) she asked Jessie to help her alter it to fit her. Then she and Aunt Cornelia took a pair of scissors and added some strategically placed rips, and finally they let Bridget and Jenny throw ink all over it (which the two little girls enjoyed tremendously, though they needed a good long soak in the bath afterwards).
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in-pleasant-company · 2 years ago
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Bridget's white dress with blue bows from Changes for Samantha
Dress, 1893–95, Met Museum
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autistickirstenlarson · 3 years ago
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[ ID: A picture of Samantha Parkington, a white girl with brown hair and bangs wearing a hairbow and dressed in pink, sitting at a dinner table with her Uncle Gard, Aunt Cornelia, and friend Nellie and Nellie’s sisters Bridget and Jenny. Samantha is speaking to Uncle Gard. A Clickhole article headline reading “‘May I, Papa?’: McDonald’s Is Releasing A New Fig And Ladyfinger McFlurry For Fancy Little Girls Who Desire A Treat” is at the bottom of the image. / End ID. ]
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samantha-and-nellie · 1 month ago
About your doll collection, can you explain what you have? Also, it's really nice to have a creator in this fandom who talks about the stories and cares about it so much instead of solely focusing on the collector side of things. All of your posts are amazing, and I appreciate them a lot. Thank you!
ahhh, this is such a sweet ask! i'm glad that people like what i have to say about the stories, since they truly are so meaningful to me and have had a major influence in my life. i'm actually going to give babbity kate some credit behind me starting this blog; i've had a history of lurking in ag fan spaces throughout my older childhood years as a fan, and then again when i got on tumblr, but finally seeing someone else who focused on the stories made me want to do that as well.
anyways! onto your actual ask:) a little bit of context: i do have a pretty large collection from childhood (despite growing up middle-lower middle class) because my parents were keen on quality-over-quantity, so really the main items i got as gifts or spent my own money on were american girl items and books. i also got dolls/doll clothes/accessories from the ages of four to fourteen, so there was a lot of time for a collection to develop!
i have nine dolls (samantha, nellie, rebecca, marie-grace, cécile, caroline, molly, emily and grace), and a handful of mini dolls (including some of the holiday ones, but honestly i like the miniature books that the dolls come with more than i like the mini dolls themselves). my clothing collection is a lot of ag, but i also got really into sewing my own clothes for my dolls using the pleasant company patterns. i have a few off-brand furniture pieces, but i do have sam's wicker table and chairs, and i still remember the birthday that i received them:) when it comes to the books, i honestly have a handful of everything! main series, short stories, mysteries, goty, activity books, etc. most of them were bought second hand, and that is the one ag thing i will still buy if i come across some in a used bookstore or the like that i don't yet own.
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if you've made it this far, here's a group picture i took of my dolls (plus a couple of china ones that i used as bridget and jenny) as a kid! it's actually driving me crazy that grace isn't in the picture, because i definitely had her by then. i also stand by uhhhh half of the clothes that the girls are wearing (marie-grace is ADORABLE in nellie's spring dress, the poncho that cécile is wearing is questionable at best).
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bonus of grace being a cutie from that same childhood photo shoot:)
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ag-beforever · 5 years ago
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Because I’m so happy about my exam result, I’d like to share this work-in-progress of The Beforever Household! :D (Not sure how big it’ll come out looking on Tumblr, but I uploaded it at 1920x410)
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incorrect-american-girl · 7 years ago
Nellie: Samantha has detention today, so we can go to all the places where she's been banned.
Jenny: Where is she not allowed to go?
Nellie: Coney Island, Ellis Island, and Roosevelt Island. Samantha thinks if you're on an island there are no rules.
Bridget: But she lives on Manhattan Island.
Nellie: Doesn't that explain a lot?
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intertexts-moving · 2 years ago
shout out 2 bridget o'malley btw. for being one of thee love songs ever.
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ohnopicturesofanothercat · 3 years ago
I’ve decided I will change the name of the blog and the avatar but not the url. The cat will arrive tomorrow! Haven’t picked a name. May as well wait until I’ve met her. 😺
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celtfather · 2 years ago
Roll On Home #602
Roll on home with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #602.
Hanneke Cassel, Kalos, Railcar Graffiti, Emerald Accent, The Bards Of Sweeney, Low Lily, Ben Doran, Irishtown Road, Fast & Vengefully, Ewen McIntosh, The Secret Commonwealth, Shades of Green, Chance the Arm, The Celtic Kitchen Party
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2023 episode.  Vote Now!
Two weeks after the episode is launched, I compile your votes to update a playlist on Spotify and YouTube. These are the results of your voting. You can help these artists out by following the playlists and adding tracks you love to your playlists. Follow us on Facebook to find out who is added each week.
Listen on Spotify and YouTube.
0:02 - Intro: Jeri
0:13 - Hanneke Cassel "Evacuation Day" from Infinite Brightness
3:45 - WELCOME
6:32 - Kalos "Fanny Vanille/The Kerry Polska" from Headland
10:32 - Railcar Graffiti "South Australia" from Going Across The Sea
13:18 - Emerald Accent "Pride of Petravore / Silver Spire / High Reel" from All of Us
19:56 - The Bards Of Sweeney "Oro Se do Bheatha 'Bhaile" from We were Kings, once.
24:24 - FEEDBACK
28:55 - Low Lily "Aren't I Good Enough" from Angels in the Wreckage
31:33 - Ben Doran "Bridget O'Malley" from Ceol an Chroi II
33:52 - Irishtown Road "Fainne Gael an Lae / Maid of Fife" from On the One Road
38:05 - Fast & Vengefully "The Ghosts of my Past" from ozzie Me Bow
43:15 - THANKS
45:04 - Ewen McIntosh "The March of the Cameron Men" from Ma's Math Mo Chuimhn
48:02 - The Secret Commonwealth "Who Knows Where the Time Goes" from single
53:47 - Shades of Green "In My Mind" from Conversations We Never Had
57:05 - Chance the Arm "Heavy Heart" from All in Good Time
1:00:47 - CLOSING
1:01:49 - The Celtic Kitchen Party "Roll on Home" from Last Call
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine.
Visit our website to subscribe to the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode. You’ll get access to our Best of this Year Playlist. You can subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a musician and podcaster out of Atlanta, Georgia. This Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
I have a new eBook that is being published on Kindle in a couple weeks. It’s called Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music eBook. It goes on sale for just 99 cents on Monday, April 24. So if you’re a Celtic musician or you just want to help it be a hit, please pre - order a copy. There’s a link in the shownotes.
Now that said, listeners to the podcast can get the eBook for FREE. Just send an email to gift@bestcelticmusic.
In fact, maybe you should start with the free copy, then you can post a review on Amazon.
That said, I did not publish this eBook to make money. That’s why it’s just 99 cents. My goal is to help my fellow Celtic musicians adjust to the digital music age. I think it servers that purpose very well.
So thank you in advance for your support!
Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out at least four times a month. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow.
As a patron, you get music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, and you get a private feed to listen to the show.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our Celtic Legends: Nancy Barnett and Bill Mandeville. Both are long time Celtic Legends. But they made a change to the new Celtic Legend Level.
You see, to be added to the Celtic Legend roll call, you need to select the Celtic Legend level of $25 per episode. You can always cap it at $25 or you can do more.
Go to our Patreon page.
Decide how much you want to pledge every week, $1, $5, $10. Make sure to cap how much you want to spend per month.
Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos.
In 2023, we’re going on a Celtic Invasion of County Mayo in Ireland. We’re gonna explore the area and get to know Grace O’Malley, the Pirate Queen. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can take a screenshot of the podcast on your phone. You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Or how about a picture you took of a band that you saw.
What Celtic Musicians do you listen to now thanks to the podcast?
Email me at celticpodcast@gmail, message me on Facebook, or contact me through Mastodon @[email protected].
John White emailed: "1. Usually listen while relaxing or meditating. 2. [For St Patrick's Day] Watching “The Wind that shakes the Barley, drinking some Guinness and maybe watching the documentary “1916”. 3. Wearing one of my Celtic Music Podcasts tshirts when I run errands to let others know about the show."
Patty replied: "I am going to a funeral Friday evening."
Jan Czenkusch replied: "What are you doing while listening?  Usually traveling
What are your doing for St Patrick's Day? catching music locally
How are you celebrating Celtic culture through music this holiday season? music and reading a book on Grace O'Malley"
Laura Grantham emailed: "Failte, I listen while cleaning, doing puzzles, driving, or working. Slainte!"
Brent Samford emailed: "I like to listen while cooking!"
Kathy Glasgow emailed: "What are you doing while listening? Grading homework for midterms and finals.  What are you doing for St Patrick's Day? My usual Friday  -  spending time with family and friends, but also having corned beef and cabbage.  How are you celebrating Celtic culture through music this holiday season? catching up on the podcasts of yours that I have fallen behind in"
Kent Hansen emailed: "I'm working on remodeling my house, a 1900 Victorian in a small town out on the prairie. I'm currently building out my music room to use for practice, rehearsals, and recording my fest band the Leprechaun Pirates check out our YouTube channel..."
Check out this episode!
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uwmspeccoll · 8 years ago
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Typography Tuesday
We just love these two very different typographic broadsides by Minneapolis letterpress printer and book artist Wilber “Chip” Schilling. Unfortunately, in both cases the typographic designs used are not identified.
The first, Inside (click on the image for a better appreciation of the craftsmanship), is a collaboration on handmade abaca paper with Amanda Degener and Bridget O’Malley of Cave Paper in Minneapolis. The broadside was designed and printed by Schilling as a keepsake commemorating the 25th anniversary of the journal Hand Papermaking in 2011. The text, printed in silver and written by Degener, is difficult to see in this presentation, but reads “something from the inside has come to meet what is made.”
The second, Apokalupsis 12:21:2012, is a tongue-in-cheek indulgence absolving the bearer “of all prior aural sins” and allowing “the privilege of musical revelation” for the future. The broadside was “prepared for the End of Times broadside exchange held in St. Joseph, Minnesota prior to Armageddon” in 2012. It was designed and letterpress printed from a vinyl record and typographic plates by Schilling with assistance from his wife Trish in an edition of 50 copies at his Indulgence Press in Minneapolis.
View some of our other Typography Tuesday posts.
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